The Creative Direction portfolio includes a wide range of projects and programs including this event poster from a publicity campaign that included media relations, news releases, advertising, direct mail, yard signage, news conferences, collateral materials and public events such as the one promoted in this poster invitation for the Citizens for Responsible Annexation (CRA).


Hamilton County Convention & Visitors Bureau - 101 Things To Do

Hamilton County Convention & Visitors Bureau - Slide Show

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Brickyard 400 - Real Racing

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Brickyard 400 - Tradin' Paint

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - Miller Lite Carb Day

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - 22000 Horsepower

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - One Big Party

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - Needle Nose

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - Seats

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indy 500 - Legends

Mitch Daniels for Governor of Indiana Minority Campaign - Experienced Man

Mitch Daniels for Governor of Indiana Minority Campaign - Little Girl

Mitch Daniels for Governor of Indiana Minority Campaign - 24/7 Woman

Paul E. Smith Plumber - Fleace Me

Paul E. Smith Plumber - For President

Paul E. Smith Plumber - Paulettes

Paul E. Smith Plumber - President Annoucement

Paul E. Smith Plumber - President Dirty Business

Paul E. Smith Plumber - President Kiss Babies

Paul E. Smith Plumber - Monkey Wrench

The Centiry Council - Michael Andretti

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